Maximum and minimum UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO short-term price forecast for Dec,Jan,Feb 2025

Maximum and minimum UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO short-term price forecast for Dec,Jan,Feb 2025
Period Action Trend Status Action & Trend & Status Ceiling price Floor price Ceiling & Floor
5 Days Neutral Neutral 0% Neutral -0% Neutral


11.999871204319431328144673898350447 11.999871204319431328144673898350447 11.999795097780914687746189883910120
10 Days Neutral Neutral 0% Neutral -0% Neutral


11.999795097780914687746189883910120 11.999789243431797203243149851914495 11.999795097780914687746189883910120
30 Days Neutral Neutral -0.12% Neutral 8.45% Neutral


13.013982578512333532216871390119195 11.029350054531059655005265085492283 13.013982578512333532216871390119195

Useful Tips: To make the most informed decisions about investing in UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX), we highly recommend visiting the 'MagicalAnalysis' and 'MgicalPrediction' websites. They also provide signals for free. 'MagicalAnalysis' provides signals based on technical analysis and various strategies for free. 'MgicalPrediction' provides signals based on various AI models for free.

UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock price prediction for the next 5 days on 05 Dec 2024

5-Day prediction shows that the price will grow by 0% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price has no a definite trend is 100% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price is expected to be neutral in the next 5 days. In the 5-day price prediction, UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price will reach 11.999871204319431328144673898350447 and 11.999871204319431328144673898350447 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the 5-day UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) predictions demonstrate that:

This prediction will be valid by Dec 10, 2024 if the real price is between 12.599864764535402272827013803180307 and 11.399877644103460383462333993520588

There wil be a neutral trend and meanwhile -0% loss. Moreover, the price will be around 11.999871204319431328144673898350447. So, it is suggested that do not buy it because of the high risk of the trade.

Forecast charts of the UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock prices in the next 5 days

Price trend prediction of UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock for the next 5 days

Neutral 0%

UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 5 days

Neutral -0%

Forecast chart of the highest and lowest UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock prices in the next 5 days

UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock price prediction for the next 10 days on 05 Dec 2024

10-Day prediction shows that the price will grow by 0% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price has no a definite trend is 100% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price is expected to be neutral in the next 10 days. In the 10-day price prediction, UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price will reach 11.999795097780914687746189883910120 and 11.999789243431797203243149851914495 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the 10-day UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) predictions demonstrate that:

This prediction will be valid by Dec 15, 2024 if the real price is between 12.599784852669960955040551198180765 and 11.399799781260206543720414629206061

There wil be a neutral trend and meanwhile -0% loss. Moreover, the price will be around 11.999795097780914687746189883910120. So, it is suggested that do not buy it because of the high risk of the trade.

Forecast charts of the UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock prices in the next 10 days

Price trend prediction of UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock for the next 10 days

Neutral 0%

UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 10 days

Neutral -0%

Forecast chart of the highest and lowest UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock prices in the next 10 days

UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock price prediction for the next 30 days on 05 Dec 2024

30-Day prediction shows that the price will grow by 0% probability and have a downward trend by 0.12% probability. Moreover, the probability that UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price has no a definite trend is 99.88% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price is expected to be neutral in the next 30 days. In the 30-day price prediction, UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) price will reach 13.013982578512333532216871390119195 and 11.029350054531059655005265085492283 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the 30-day UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) predictions demonstrate that:

This prediction will be valid by Jan 04, 2025 if the real price is between 13.664681707437949853556347079575062 and 10.477882551804507116344211681280285

There will be a neutral trend and meanwhile 8.45% profit. Moreover, the price will be around 11.988047199002210163598647341132164. So, it is suggested that take a look at the next days predictions because of the high risk of the trade.

Forecast charts of the UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock prices in the next 30 days

Price trend prediction of UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock for the next 30 days

Neutral -0.12%

UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 30 days

Neutral 8.45%

Forecast chart of the highest and lowest UNIFIN FINANCIERA SAB DE CV SO (UNIFINA.MX) stock prices in the next 30 days


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