Maximum and minimum CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV short-term price forecast for Mar,Apr,May 2025

Maximum and minimum CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV short-term price forecast for Mar,Apr,May 2025
Period Action Trend Status Action & Trend & Status Ceiling price Floor price Ceiling & Floor
5 Days Neutral Downtrend -45.74% Profit 6.95% Neutral


575.412831818813629070064052939414978 534.181406708499252999899908900260925 613.395539735406146064633503556251526
10 Days Neutral Neutral 0.13% Profit 14.01% Neutral


613.395539735406146064633503556251526 534.962137382599507873237598687410355 613.395539735406146064633503556251526
30 Days Neutral Neutral 7.87% Profit 36.78% Neutral


735.875096754033279466966632753610611 518.002190346868474080110900104045868 735.875096754033279466966632753610611

Useful Tips: To make the most informed decisions about investing in CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX), we highly recommend visiting the 'MagicalAnalysis' and 'MgicalPrediction' websites. They also provide signals for free. 'MagicalAnalysis' provides signals based on technical analysis and various strategies for free. 'MgicalPrediction' provides signals based on various AI models for free.

CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock price prediction for the next 5 days on 07 Mar 2025

5-Day prediction shows that the price will grow by 0% probability and have a downward trend by 45.74% probability. Moreover, the probability that CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price has no a definite trend is 54.26% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price is expected to be neutral in the next 5 days. In the 5-day price prediction, CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price will reach 575.412831818813629070064052939414978 and 534.181406708499252999899908900260925 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the 5-day CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) predictions demonstrate that:

This prediction will be valid by Mar 12, 2025 if the real price is between 604.183473409754355998302344232797623 and 507.472336373074313087272457778453827

There will be a neutral trend and meanwhile 6.95% profit. Moreover, the price will be around 539.784427320713348308345302939414978. So, it is suggested that buy it more carefully.

Forecast charts of the CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock prices in the next 5 days

Price trend prediction of CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock for the next 5 days

Moderate Downtrend -45.74%

CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 5 days

Neutral 6.95%

Forecast chart of the highest and lowest CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock prices in the next 5 days

CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock price prediction for the next 10 days on 07 Mar 2025

10-Day prediction shows that the price will grow by 0.13% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price has no a definite trend is 99.87% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price is expected to be neutral in the next 10 days. In the 10-day price prediction, CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price will reach 613.395539735406146064633503556251526 and 534.962137382599507873237598687410355 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the 10-day CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) predictions demonstrate that:

This prediction will be valid by Mar 17, 2025 if the real price is between 644.065316722176476105232723057270050 and 508.214030513469538163917604833841324

There will be a neutral trend and meanwhile 14.01% profit. Moreover, the price will be around 576.353458915684655039513017982244492. So, it is suggested that buy it more carefully.

Forecast charts of the CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock prices in the next 10 days

Price trend prediction of CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock for the next 10 days

Neutral 0.13%

CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 10 days

Neutral 14.01%

Forecast chart of the highest and lowest CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock prices in the next 10 days

CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock price prediction for the next 30 days on 07 Mar 2025

30-Day prediction shows that the price will grow by 7.87% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price has no a definite trend is 92.13% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price is expected to be neutral in the next 30 days. In the 30-day price prediction, CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) price will reach 735.875096754033279466966632753610611 and 518.002190346868474080110900104045868 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the 30-day CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) predictions demonstrate that:

This prediction will be valid by Apr 06, 2025 if the real price is between 772.668851591734892281237989664077759 and 492.102080829525050376105355098843575

There will be a neutral trend and meanwhile 36.78% profit. Moreover, the price will be around 677.841133409623921579623129218816757. So, it is suggested that buy it more carefully.

Forecast charts of the CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock prices in the next 30 days

Price trend prediction of CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock for the next 30 days

Neutral 7.87%

CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 30 days

Moderate Profit 36.78%

Forecast chart of the highest and lowest CORPORATIVA FRAGUA SAB DE CV (FRAGUAB.MX) stock prices in the next 30 days


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