Period | Action | Trend | Status | Action & Trend & Status | Ceiling price | Floor price | Ceiling & Floor |
6 Months | Neutral | Neutral 3.08% | Loss -36.64% | Neutral Neutral:3.08% Loss:-36.64% | 35.433777794260571170070761581882834 | 19.642551494284315793947826023213565 | 35.433777794260571170070761581882834 19.642551494284315793947826023213565 |
1 Year | Neutral | Neutral -7.71% | Loss -38.23% | Neutral Neutral:-7.71% Loss:-38.23% | 41.652763642124511989095481112599373 | 19.149790425701564089422390679828823 | 41.652763642124511989095481112599373 19.149790425701564089422390679828823 |
1 Year | Neutral | Neutral -0.69% | Profit 119.56% | Neutral Neutral:-0.69% Profit:119.56% | 68.063797407086866542158531956374645 | 19.337715576356796276513705379329622 | 68.063797407086866542158531956374645 19.337715576356796276513705379329622 |
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