Period | Action | Trend | Status | Action & Trend & Status | Ceiling price | Floor price | Ceiling & Floor |
6 Months | Neutral | Neutral 4.19% | Profit 109.6% | Neutral Neutral:4.19% Profit:109.6% | 68,014.254132130183279514312744140625000 | 36,291.916038995157578028738498687744141 | 68,014.254132130183279514312744140625000 36,291.916038995157578028738498687744141 |
1 Year | Neutral | Neutral -7.17% | Profit 222.75% | Neutral Neutral:-7.17% Profit:222.75% | 104,730.786127629384282045066356658935547 | 41,968.070065198277006857097148895263672 | 104,730.786127629384282045066356658935547 41,968.070065198277006857097148895263672 |
1 Year | Neutral | Neutral -6.91% | Profit 551.06% | Neutral Neutral:-6.91% Profit:551.06% | 211,267.553369875007774680852890014648438 | 60,441.891646485790261067450046539306641 | 211,267.553369875007774680852890014648438 60,441.891646485790261067450046539306641 |
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