Maximum and minimum Vistin Pharma ASA long-term price forecast for 2024,2025,2026

Maximum and minimum Vistin Pharma ASA long-term price forecast for 2024,2025,2026
Period Action Trend Status Action & Trend & Status Ceiling price Floor price Ceiling & Floor
6 Months Neutral Neutral 0.14% Loss -11.33% Neutral


24.278927073327487562437454471364617 21.280660311207206802919245092198253 24.278927073327487562437454471364617
1 Year Neutral Neutral 0.82% Loss -13.37% Neutral


24.928936559670255235232616541907191 20.791452746140162588517341646365821 24.928936559670255235232616541907191
1 Year Neutral Neutral -0.14% Loss -15.47% Neutral


24.791945104757999729372386354953051 20.287380380177800986984948394820094 24.791945104757999729372386354953051

Useful Tips: To make the most informed decisions about investing in Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST), we highly recommend visiting the 'MagicalAnalysis' and 'MgicalPrediction' websites. They also provide signals for free. 'MagicalAnalysis' provides signals based on technical analysis and various strategies for free. 'MgicalPrediction' provides signals based on various AI models for free.

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock price prediction until 18 May 2025 (update date: 18 Nov 2024)

Forecast until 18 May 2025 shows that the price will grow by 0.14% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price has no a definite trend is 99.86% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price is expected to be neutral in the next 6 Months. In the forecast until 18 May 2025, Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price will reach 24.278927073327487562437454471364617 and 21.280660311207206802919245092198253 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the predictions until 18 May 2025 for Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) shows that:

This prediction will be valid by 18 May 2025 if the real price is between 25.492873426993860164202487794682384 and 20.216627295646844686416443437337875

There wil be a neutral trend and meanwhile -11.33% loss. Moreover, the price will be around 23.977460205202131504620410851202905. So, it is suggested that sell it more carefully.

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock price forecast charts until 18 May 2025

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock profit and loss prediction until 18 May 2025

Neutral 0.14%

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 18 days

Neutral -11.33%

The prediction chart of the highest and lowest price of Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock until 18 May 2025 Forecast chart of the highest and lowest 18 Nov 2024

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock price prediction until 18 Nov 2025 (update date: 18 Nov 2024)

Forecast until 18 Nov 2025 shows that the price will grow by 0.82% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price has no a definite trend is 99.18% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price is expected to be neutral in the next 12 Months. In the forecast until 18 Nov 2025, Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price will reach 24.928936559670255235232616541907191 and 20.791452746140162588517341646365821 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the predictions until 18 Nov 2025 for Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) shows that:

This prediction will be valid by 18 Nov 2025 if the real price is between 26.175383387653766931180143728852272 and 19.751880108833155702541262144222856

There wil be a neutral trend and meanwhile -13.37% loss. Moreover, the price will be around 23.881608649465118077159786480478942. So, it is suggested that sell it more carefully.

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock price forecast charts until 18 Nov 2025

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock profit and loss prediction until 18 Nov 2025

Neutral 0.82%

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 18 days

Neutral -13.37%

The prediction chart of the highest and lowest price of Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock until 18 Nov 2025 Forecast chart of the highest and lowest 18 Nov 2024

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock price prediction until 18 Nov 2026 (update date: 18 Nov 2024)

Forecast until 18 Nov 2026 shows that the price will grow by 0% probability and have a downward trend by 0.14% probability. Moreover, the probability that Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price has no a definite trend is 99.86% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price is expected to be neutral in the next 24 Months. In the forecast until 18 Nov 2026, Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) price will reach 24.791945104757999729372386354953051 and 20.287380380177800986984948394820094 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

The final result of the predictions until 18 Nov 2026 for Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) shows that:

This prediction will be valid by 18 Nov 2026 if the real price is between 26.031542359995899715841005672700703 and 19.273011361168912003449804615229368

There wil be a neutral trend and meanwhile 33.45% loss. Moreover, the price will be around 23.980627052582224933985344250686467. So, it is suggested that sell it more carefully.

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock price forecast charts until 18 Nov 2026

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock profit and loss prediction until 18 Nov 2026

Neutral -0.14%

Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 18 days

Neutral -15.47%

The prediction chart of the highest and lowest price of Vistin Pharma ASA (VISTINO.ST) stock until 18 Nov 2026 Forecast chart of the highest and lowest 18 Nov 2024

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