Maximum and minimum TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL long-term price forecast for 2024,2025,2026

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL stock long term price prediction: 2024,2025,2026|006890.KS: 23580.2519
Period Action Trend Status Action & Trend & Status Ceiling price Floor price Ceiling & Floor
6 Months Buy Uptrend 61.71% Profit 52.33% Buy


23,580.2518534660339355468750000000000 12,524.4159221649169921875000000000000 23,580.2518534660339355468750000000000
1 Year Buy Uptrend 18% Profit 78.49% Buy


28,145.3777801990509033203125000000000 11,761.6238832473754882812500000000000 28,145.3777801990509033203125000000000
2 Years Neutral Neutral 11.75% Profit 104.65% Neutral


32,710.5037069320678710937500000000000 10,998.8318443298339843750000000000000 32,710.5037069320678710937500000000000

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock price prediction until 20 Dec 2024 (update date: 20 Jun 2024)

Forecast until 20 Dec 2024 shows that the price will grow by 61.71% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price has no a definite trend is 38.29% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price is expected to rise in the next 6 Months. In the forecast until 20 Dec 2024, TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price will reach 23,433.3852329254150390625000000000000 and 12,800.7553482055664062500000000000000 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

Note! All of the predictions are based on daily price changes and none of other external effects such as news, companies’ situations, and different events are not taken into account. So, you really need to consider all factors before you make any decision. (choose the best option by considering all factors) Please pay attention to the predition dates and the validity range of the predicted prices.

The final result of the predictions until 20 Dec 2024 for TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) shows that:

This prediction will be valid by 20 Dec 2024 if the real price is between 24,605.0544945716865186113864183425903 and 12,160.7175807952880859375000000000000

There will be an upward trend and 52.33% profit. Moreover, the price will be around . So, it is suggested that buy it.

Useful Tips: To make the most informed decisions about investing in TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS), we highly recommend visiting the 'MagicalAnalysis' and 'MgicalPrediction' websites. They also provide signals for free. 'MagicalAnalysis' provides signals based on technical analysis and various strategies for free. 'MgicalPrediction' provides signals based on various AI models for free.

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock price forecast charts until 20 Dec 2024

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock profit and loss prediction until 20 Dec 2024

Moderate Uptrend 61.71%

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 20 days

Strong Profit 52.33%

The prediction chart of the highest and lowest price of TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock until 20 Dec 2024 Forecast chart of the highest and lowest 20 Jun 2024

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock price prediction until 20 Jun 2025 (update date: 20 Jun 2024)

Forecast until 20 Jun 2025 shows that the price will grow by 18% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price has no a definite trend is 82% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price is expected to be neutral in the next 12 Months. In the forecast until 20 Jun 2025, TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price will reach 27,970.0778493881225585937500000000000 and 12,021.1330223083496093750000000000000 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

Note! All of the predictions are based on daily price changes and none of other external effects such as news, companies’ situations, and different events are not taken into account. So, you really need to consider all factors before you make any decision. (choose the best option by considering all factors) Please pay attention to the predition dates and the validity range of the predicted prices.

The final result of the predictions until 20 Jun 2025 for TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) shows that:

This prediction will be valid by 20 Jun 2025 if the real price is between 29,368.5817418575279589276760816574097 and -601.0566511154174804687500000000000

There will be a neutral trend and meanwhile 78.49% profit. Moreover, the price will be around 27,970.0778493881225585937500000000000. So, it is suggested that buy it more carefully.

Useful Tips: To make the most informed decisions about investing in TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS), we highly recommend visiting the 'MagicalAnalysis' and 'MgicalPrediction' websites. They also provide signals for free. 'MagicalAnalysis' provides signals based on technical analysis and various strategies for free. 'MgicalPrediction' provides signals based on various AI models for free.

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock price forecast charts until 20 Jun 2025

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock profit and loss prediction until 20 Jun 2025

Neutral 18%

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 20 days

Strong Profit 78.49%

The prediction chart of the highest and lowest price of TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock until 20 Jun 2025 Forecast chart of the highest and lowest 20 Jun 2024

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock price prediction until 20 Jun 2026 (update date: 20 Jun 2024)

Forecast until 20 Jun 2026 shows that the price will grow by 11.75% probability and have a downward trend by 0% probability. Moreover, the probability that TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price has no a definite trend is 88.25% (The price fluctuation will be experienced). So, TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price is expected to be neutral in the next 24 Months. In the forecast until 20 Jun 2026, TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) price will reach 32,506.7704658508300781250000000000000 and 10,998.8318443298339843750000000000000 in the best and worst conditions respectively.

Note! All of the predictions are based on daily price changes and none of other external effects such as news, companies’ situations, and different events are not taken into account. So, you really need to consider all factors before you make any decision. (choose the best option by considering all factors) Please pay attention to the predition dates and the validity range of the predicted prices.

The final result of the predictions until 20 Jun 2026 for TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) shows that:

This prediction will be valid by 20 Jun 2026 if the real price is between 34,132.1089891433730372227728366851807 and 10,448.8902521133422851562500000000000

There will be a neutral trend and meanwhile 104.65% profit. Moreover, the price will be around 32,506.7704658508300781250000000000000. So, it is suggested that buy it more carefully.

Useful Tips: To make the most informed decisions about investing in TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS), we highly recommend visiting the 'MagicalAnalysis' and 'MgicalPrediction' websites. They also provide signals for free. 'MagicalAnalysis' provides signals based on technical analysis and various strategies for free. 'MgicalPrediction' provides signals based on various AI models for free.

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock price forecast charts until 20 Jun 2026

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock profit and loss prediction until 20 Jun 2026

Neutral 11.75%

TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock profit and loss prediction for the next 20 days

Strong Profit 104.65%

The prediction chart of the highest and lowest price of TAEKYUNGCHEMICAL (006890.KS) stock until 20 Jun 2026 Forecast chart of the highest and lowest 20 Jun 2024

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